There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

What are you working on?

My first novel, A Sweet Nothing, is currently in its re-writing stages and is set for release in May of 2022. I have two other related stand-alones outlined for other characters mentioned in this book. I’m calling it the Heartland Heathens series.

Other projects I have in the works are another set of 3 stand alones featuring characters that appear in the Heartland Heathens series, two darker-themed romances (one with a stalking element, the other where the heroine slowly becomes corrupted by the hero) that will be published under an abbreviated name due to their content. After that, it’ll be whatever else happens to come into my head. I will update projects as they appear.

Did you always want to be an author?

In truth, I always wanted to be an actress. That ship sailed because while I retained my ability to do public speaking, I began to have anxiety while in the spotlight. I started writing for fun, almost as therapy, and the dream to be a writer was born.

How did you start writing?

I started writing as a kid and kept it up through fanfiction as my children were born and grew. It wasn’t until one of my readers turned closest friends suggested I take my ideas and write them for real that I really pursued being an author as a career.

Who are your favorite authors?

Niel Gaiman, Ursula K Le Guin, Penelope Douglas, Sierra Simone, Harley LaRoux, and Nikki Sloane.

What are some of your favorite books?

The Last Unicorn – Peter S. Beagle
A Storm of Swords – George R.R. Martin
Myst: The book of Ti’Ana – Rand Miller
The Return of the King – J.R.R Tolkien
Birthday Girl – Penelope Douglas
Priest – Sierra Simone
Lola and the Millionaires – Kathryn Moon

That’s quite a variety!

I genre jump a lot when I read. Sometimes when I write, but my writing always comes back to romance in the end.

What are some of your favorite movies?

Little Miss Sunshine, Signs, Poltergeist (1982 version), Midsommar, and Tombstone

Interesting facts?

I love to dance and used to teach a dance-based fitness class that I miss a lot. I’ve also worked as a doula, because I love babies, birth, and pregnant women. My apologies in advance if you dislike pregnancy tropes, because while right now, I can’t picture centering a story around one, as the Heartland Heathens series progresses … you get the idea. 

Despite A Sweet Nothing and the novels in the Heartland Heathens series featuring them, I’ve never ridden a motorcycle.

I really want to write a book. Where should I start?

Start writing. That’s it. That’s the tweet.

For real advice? See if you can find local writers groups. One of the best things for me was getting to know people in my community who were writers and hear their stories (both written ones and personal ones). There are so many online groups as well. I cannot say enough good things about Inkerscon and all the support and education it provides.

Oh, you want specifics? Keep in mind that I’m winging this whole thing like it’s eyeliner, and I’ve never been very good at eyeliner.

1) You might be a person who loves outlines and has to plan everything out (Plotter), or you might be a person who gets an idea and runs with it at full speed with no plan (Pantser). You might be an amalgamation of them both (Planter?) But whatever you are, you are in good company. Find what works best for you. I’m a pantser who tries to be a planter, but usually ends up miles from the actual outline I’ve written. Someday I’ll share the outline for some of my books and compare them to what actually went down.

2) Don’t compare yourself to others or worry that your ideas are unoriginal. Three people can be given the same trope and it will come out three different ways. What you have is unique and if you want to share it, do it.

3) When developing characters, don’t just think about how they look. Give them birthdays, know their zodiac signs, etc. People might ask and it can help you develop them further.

4) Writing. Takes. Time. An idea lives in my head for at minimum three months before I decide to go with it. And even then, sometimes I’ll get 10,000 words down only to not like it. I may abandon it and come back to it later. But it’s all progress.

5) This is general life advice, as it applies to any career… Get right with yourself. Scared of sharing your work? Own that. Sit with it. Feel your feelings and get right with them. Scared of people reading your work? Dude, same. Terrifies me. Sit with it, feel it, and then get right with it and share. You never know how your words might affect someone and if you want to share them, you should.

** Side note, I’m not sure my therapist will ever see this site, but if they do … you should share the original songs you’ve written. Even just one. Just saying 😉

Outside of all the writing stuff, who are you?

Who, me?
I’m a nerd. 

I’m a sucker for anything with a fantasy slant, but if it’s considered “nerdy” in anyway, I’m probably into it. Some of my favorite “nerdy” things include any and all things related to The Legend of Zelda, The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones (sensing a pattern here?). I love Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Demon Slayer, and am slowly working my way through Berserk and a few other animes I’ve neglected watching. I love the MCU. I love Doctor Who. I love Star Wars. Oddly enough, I don’t like Star Trek. Haven’t ever been able to get into it. This might be the time I have to hand in my sci-fi nerd card even though trashy sci-fi films are my jam.

I’m a sucker for video games and think a lot of really great stories are found in them, but people overlook it as a medium. Some of my favorites are the Resident Evil series because the stories are just wild and the lore is crazy, the Zero Escape series, J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories (hands down one of the best games I’ve ever played), Legend of Zelda (see above), the Myst series, Pikmin, and there’s a lot more I can’t think of right now.

I adore animals and live with three cats (Sammy, Tormund, and Jasper), a dog (Gizmo), and I’d get three more of each if my spouse would allow it. I love to connect with other people despite being an introvert, so the internet is great for me. But really, I’m simple in the end. If there’s anything anyone wants to know, ask, and I’ll probably answer.